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Consortium activities are spearheaded by proactive working groups comprising companies from various business types and industries. We also provide relevant information and build international cooperation toward resolving the various challenges faced by member companies in achieving carbon neutrality.

1Visualization Working Group (From November 2021)


  • This group will build a mechanism for the visualization of CO2 data across supply chains using digital technologies, reflecting new rules developed in Europe and elsewhere, business practices requiring decarbonization across global supply chains, and other trends. The aim is to create a mechanism that properly reflects emissions reduction efforts as data so as to boost company engagement.


Study phase (Nov. 2021-March 2022)

  • Consider the ideal mechanism, examine the current status and identify gaps, list items for consideration, conduct a survey on international and domestic trends, and issue a primary report

Investigation phase (April-Sept. 2022)

  • Create the first editions of (1) a CO2 Visualization Framework that provides a methodology for supply chain CO2 data calculation and exchange using digital technology so as to realize the distribution of CO2 data that is based on primary data and reflects suppliers’ emission reduction efforts and (2) Technical Specifications for Data Exchange that lay out a common data format and data exchange specifications

Test phase (Sept. 2022-June 2023)

  • Conduct a proof-of-concept experiment based on the CO2 Visualization Framework and the Tech Specs for Data Exchange whereby emissions data calculated by companies from diverse industries using a common format is exchanged across different solutions with the aim of accurately and efficiently gauging supply chain CO2 emissions

Deployment phase (From July 2023)

< FY2024: Launch phase >

  • Compile and publish solutions using the CO2 Visualization Framework and the Tech Specs for Data Exchange, as well as frontrunning cases of use of these in emissions calculations, and hold educational seminars to increase uptake

2VPPA Early Realization Working Group (Nov. 2021-Sept. 2022) [This WG was deemed to have largely achieved its aims, so its activities were concluded.]


  • Establish a new renewable energy procurement method toward the early realization of Virtual Power Purchase Agreements (VPPAs) in Japan so as to expand the renewable energy procurement methods available here, something which has become an issue for the private sector


  • Examine cases of Virtual PPA introduction as well as trends in renewable energy procurement, both in Japan and overseas
  • Analyze the gaps between domestic and international renewable energy procurement methods and systems and the merits and demerits of Virtual PPA introduction
  • Create a position statement, build relationships with the government and with related institutions and associations, and make recommendations

3Data Center Decarbonization Working Group (From July 2022)


  • Consider a data center business model that would support the government’s Digital Garden City Initiative* toward ongoing business promotion in rural areas by increasingly decentralized data centers


  • Identify issues and consider solutions from the perspectives of local demand, energy supply, and data center operators toward realizing data centers that support both business continuity and decarbonization
  • Exchange views with municipal authorities proactively seeking to attract data centers and identify needs in relation to data center establishment and use
  • Discuss the creation of model cases toward the implementation of decarbonized data centers and make recommendations

* A plan to improve digital infrastructure across the country in order to promote digitalization as a means of eliminating the gap between rural areas and cities and stimulating regional economic revitalization

4Working Group on Valorization of Environmental Activity Data (From Dec. 2023)


  • Consider and make recommendations on common issues and solutions in relation to IT systems for measuring, evaluating, and managing performance data for companies’ environmental activities toward building a mechanism for proper market evaluation of the green value of products and services helping to reduce the environmental burden


  • Collect use cases of decarbonization activities pitching green value as a selling point
  • Lay out a basic approach in relation to the digital measurement, calculation, and verification of the green value of GHG emissions reduction performance, etc.
  • Consider the requirements for digital technologies and data models, etc., for each use case

5Responses to Common Issues


  • Identify carbon neutrality-related trends in Japan and overseas and contribute to rule-making (trend survey)
  • Partner with stakeholders overseas with an eye to global markets (international cooperation)
  • Communicate information on the contribution of digital solutions to promoting a greener world so as to raise awareness of this (information communication)


Trend survey
Identify trends in carbon pricing, renewable energy, and other green policies and systems
International cooperation
Strengthen relationships with counterparts in other countries and partner with the government toward the international harmonization of systems
Information communication
Hold events to raise awareness of Green x Digital Consortium activities and introduce member companies’ good practices using digital solutions